Thursday, January 9, 2014

Montpellier France

I arrived in Montpellier France!  The sun is out and it's a very pleasant.
The trip from the airport was a blast, the bus was packed with people and luggage everywhere.
Nothing like hauling 3 suite cases and a banjo from the plane to a bus then onto a tram..Huffing through the Center of Montpellier then up 5 flights of stairs to Emma's apartment..Now I know why everyone here is so fit!
Check out the pics.

We stopped at the store picked up some wine and amazing cheese.  Had a great night out with Emma, Lauren and Alex.

Thursday I'm meeting with my bluegrass friends to do a little jamming.. So much fun!

Sunday the 12th of January I'll be at "The Robin Hood" in Montpellier for the weekly open mic. Playing all original tunes.

Wednesday the 15th of January I will be a guest on a local radio show with friends Simon and Jonathan. Talking about the banjo, songwriting and "The Dan Project"   and of course picking a few tunes.  Sure hope you can join us.
I'll post the info when It's closer.  There will be a live feed and Podcast.

Thats all for now my friends...

1 comment:

  1. Dan,
    This journey is so cool! You are looking so relaxed. I can't wait to see and hear more from you and all the friends you are making playing music.
